Out Now! JEE Advanced 2021 Question Papers, Solutions – Download Them Here!

The JEE Advanced 2021 exam was organised under the control of IIT Kharagpur. It was conducted on October 3, 2021 (Sunday). Paper 1 was held from 09:00 to 12:00 IST and Paper 2 was held from 14:30 to 17:30 IST.

Download JEE Advanced Answer key 2021, JEE Advanced Paper Solutions & Analysis prepared by the expert educators at Rizee . Find Answers, Solutions and Explanations to your JEE Advanced2021 Paper 1 & Paper 2 subject wise (Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics), analyze your performance with us at Rizee.
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How Difficult was the JEE Advanced Question Paper?
- “Mathematics was difficult as per students. There were 2 questions from matrices & determinants. There were questions from functions, continuity & differentiability, application of derivatives, definite integrals. Some good questions were asked from chapters of probability, complex numbers, and 3D geometry. Some Tricky questions were asked from circle & parabola in coordinate geometry. A tricky question from trigonometry was also asked. Students felt this section was the toughest with more weightage given to class 11 chapters,” said Ramesh Batlish, Head, FIITJEE Noida
- The physics portion in paper 2 was considered easy to moderate by a majority section of students. As many as 6 questions from Mechanics, 6 from electrodynamics, 3 from modern physics, 2 each from optics and heat and thermodynamics constituted the paper. About 7 questions were observed to be easy, 9 were observed to be moderate and the remaining 3 were difficult.
- “Chemistry section in paper 2 was tricky to some students. The topic coverage was complete. There were about 7 questions from physical chemistry, 6 from inorganic chemistry and the remaining six from organic chemistry, students found this section moderate to difficult. About 5 questions can be categorised on easy 12 questions were of moderate and two questions for difficult,” said Sharma
Watch Our JEE ADVANCES Quick Revision Videos :
Mathematics | Watch playlist |
Physics | Watch playlist |
Chemistry | Watch playlist |
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