JEE Mains Result 2021 (February) Announced Link Here: How to improve Score in March Session?

How to check JEE Mains 2021 Result (February 24th-26th)?
Against all odds, NTA has successfully conducted the exam from 23rd of February to 26th February,2020 & JEE Mains result will be out soon- in which over 6 Lakh+ students have appeared for the exam amidst the strict protocol of social distancing & hygiene practices mandated by the authorities.
Students who appeared in the February session can check their JEE Mains Result online at on March 8, 2021. Candidates need to provide their Application number, security pin & date of birth details to check their JEE Main result for all the four February sessions of the exam. JEE Main percentile is considered for entry into various NITS & JEE Main Participating Institutions.
JEE Mains 2021 Free Mock Test Series in New NTA Exam Pattern.
Upcoming Sessions of JEE Mains 2021 Exam- Complete Timeline
JEE Mains 2021 Sessions | Exam Dates | Result Dates |
March | March 15th,16th,17th &18th | To be announced |
April | April 27th, 28th, 29th & 30th | To be announced |
May | May 24th,26th,27th,28th & 29th | To be announced |
What will be the JEE Mains 2021 cut off? Complete Category-wise cut off marks for JEE Main 2020 & 2019.
JEE Mains 2020 Cut off
Common Rank List (CRL) | 90.3765335 |
GEN-EWS | 70.2435518 |
Other Backward Classes (OBC-NCL) | 72.8887969 |
Scheduled Caste (SC) | 50.1760245 |
Scheduled Tribe (ST) | 39.0696101 |
JEE Mains 2019 Cut off
Common Rank List (CRL) | 89.7548849 |
GEN-EWS | 78.2174869 |
Other Backward Classes (OBC-NCL) | 74.3166557 |
Scheduled Caste (SC) | 54.0128155 |
Scheduled Tribe (ST) | 44.3345172 |
Detailed Self Preparation Strategy for NTA JEE Mains 2021 Exam.
Expected Cut off for JEE Mains 2021 (February).
Students can retake all the February sessions of JEE Mains 2021 & get a detailed exam analysis that can help them to score better in upcoming sessions with noted observations on subjects & topic-wise strengths & weaknesses.
Based on the feedback of expert IIT JEE Faculty & students feedback, Rizee has predicted a range of expected cutoff before the JEE Mains Result 2021. Rizee Cut off prediction is also based on the previous year cut-off marks in correlation with the level of difficulty of each exam session & the number of students who attempted the exam.
Cut off prediction for 2021 before JEE Mains Result
Common Rank List (CRL) | 94 +4/-4 |
GEN-EWS | 76 +3/-3 |
Other Backward Classes (OBC-NCL) | 75 +3/-3 |
Scheduled Caste (SC) | 54 +5/-5 |
Scheduled Tribe (ST) | 45 +5/-5 |
What is JEE Mains Percentile?
As most people get confused, JEE Mains Percentile is not the percentage of marks obtained by the candidates. It is a way of comparing your exam performance with other candidates who took exams in different sessions with different levels of difficulty in question papers. It is simply the percentage of candidates who scored less or equal to that particular percentile in the exam.
How to Score Better in Upcoming March, April & May Sessions of JEE Mains 2021?
There is always a second chance when it comes to the JEE Mains examination, so instead of feeling anxious all day about cut off & being worried about the result students should focus on how to improve their scores in their other three chances at the exam.
5 Steps to Successfully Improve your JEE Main 2021 final score
Step 1-
Get access to complete Question Papers of JEE Mains 2021 February Session along with answer keys & attempt the exams again in a real exam environment- preferably on a desktop.
Step 2
Go through all the solutions to check which subjects & chapters you are scoring low, but doing this kind of analysis manually is a difficult & time-consuming task for the students. Instead, students can reattempt all the exams at Rizee & get a detailed analysis of their performance.
Step 3
Assuming that you have reattempted all the exams & downloaded your free cumulative exam analysis report from the Rizee, it is time for you to go through the exam analysis report. Take a pen & note down your weakest Chapters & topics along with the question types in which you have scored the highest negative marks.
Now we know that by focusing the exam preparation on these Chapters & topics students can definitely increase their score in upcoming sessions, but how to do this effectively in such a short time left for the upcoming main exams?
Step 4
Using Custom Practice Tests students can choose the subjects & chapters with many detailed filters that will allow them to do smart & focused exam preparation. Find detailed solutions to all the questions that will help to learn concepts & revise them very quickly.
Step 5
Previous Year Papers & Linkage Analysis
Linkage Chapter Analysis is a way of understanding the most frequently grouped chapters to form the Multi-Concept questions in JEE Mains & JEE Advanced exams.The final stage of successfully improving your score involves gaining a deeper understanding of the question paper is set by NTA & learning to focus on the topics & concepts that historically proven to fetch very high marks for the toppers.
Importance of Mock Tests & Previous Year Paper Analysis- Rizee’s Success Mantra for JEE Mains Toppers.
This is one of the most debated topics by our IIT JEE Faculty at Rizee. Is there a real way of improving exam scores by relying on data analysis & assessment reports powered by cloud computing & machine learning?
The answer is Yes, you can improve the score in a significant way. But, this can only add value to students’ existing preparation strategy and cannot be used as the only strategy for exam preparation.
Why Mock Tests?
Well, the answer is simple. Practice makes you perfect. With every mock test, you are one step closer to knowing more about your exam strengths and weaknesses & with every mock test you get more familiar with the real exam environment.
After all, students spend more than 2 Years preparing for the JEE Mains Exam but it all comes down to those Three Hours they spend in the examination hall. It only makes sense that it is very important for students to learn how to use the limited time they get in their examination. So, in a nutshell- the more the Mock Tests & the better your chances of scoring high in the final exam.
Planning with Insights from JEE Mains Previous Year Paper Analysis
Did you know that, 50% of the JEE Mains Questions asked so far in previous years mains examinations are from 10 Chapters of each subject. Students who are strong in these 10 chapters from each subject can attempt 50% of the paper without any difficulty.
There are even more interesting data points that can help you understand how NTA sets the question paper with this kind of Exclusive Previous Year Paper Analysis.You can find the detailed analysis of Previous Year Paper Analysis in the below chart.
Top 10 Important Chapters for JEE Mains Mathematics based on Previous Paper Analysis
Top 10 Important Chapters for JEE Mains Physics based on Previous Paper Analysis
Top 10 Important Chapters for JEE Mains Chemistry based on Previous Paper Analysis
JEE Mains 2021 Question Papers with Solutions ( February)
You can reattempt all the papers of the mains February session for free & get a detailed exam analysis report. To write the exams simply register for free & open the JEE mains 2021 exam module directly on the app or the website.
Anticipated Questions for JEE Mains 2021- Video session by Vamsidhar, IIT Madras Alumnus.
The last session on Previous Year Paper Analysis & All India JEE Mains Mock Test by Mr.Vamsidhar was very insightful and got a positive response from the students, some even leaving feedback about how it helped them in the February Session of the mains. This video helps students to revise with a focus on important chapters & topics before the exam.
JEE Mains 2021/2022 | Insights on Top 3 chapters – Feb 7th | All India Live Mock Test-Analysis
Sample Prime Question Videos for JEE Mains Important Chapters & Topics
Thermodynamics in Different Process from Physics
Chemistry- Heat Capacity-Prime Questions
Mathematics-Cube Roots Of unity
With very less time left for the March Session of the JEE mains examination, it is imperative that students need to choose smart revision & practice mechanism that can actually help you improve the final score in all the upcoming sessions of the examination. Stay tuned to get detailed guidance from our expert faculty & team to assist you gain higher scores for admission into your dream engineering college. Visit to know more interesting strategies & exam preparation tools for JEE Mains 2021.
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