Candidate claiming local status in Andhra Pradesh (AU/SVU) by virtue of his/her migration from the State of Telangana shall submit scanned copy of Local status certificate issued in Form-III by Tahsildar of concerned along with their application registration number/ CET hall ticket number to the email ID chairmancets@gmail.com. apeamcet18@gmail.com. specialofficerapsche@gmail.com.
In terms of G.O.Ms.No.171, General Administration (SPF & MC) Department dated 20-11-2017,
“A candidate who migrates to any part of the State of Andhra Pradesh from the State of Telangana within a period of FIVE years from the 2nd day of June, 2014 shall be regarded as the local candidate in the State of Andhra Pradesh at the place of his residence and be treated at par with the local candidates residing in that area, in accordance with such guidelines as may be issued by the Government of Andhra Pradesh for the purpose of education.”
The candidate, who intends to apply for admission into Educational Institutions / Emproyment as stated above, shall make an application in Form-I online to the Tahsildar concerned, on or before 1s June, 2019, through Mee-Seva portal. Basing on the documents furnished, the Tahsildar shall issue the local status certificate in Form-III.
APPLICATION FORM FOR ISSUE OF LOCAL STATUS CERTIFICATE (to be submitted online to Tahsildar of place of current residence)
(As per G.o.Ms.No.132 & 133, GA (SPF&MC) Department, dt.13,6.2016 and circular Memo.No.4l36/SPF&MC/2015-5, Dated: 08-08-2016 & Memo.No.4136/SPF&MC/2015-9 dated 03-09-2016)
To Tahsildar
Sub: For issue of Local Status Certificate.
I request you to kindly issue Local Status Certificate, as per the address given below, as I have migrated from the State of Telangana and now residing at _____________(place) since____________ (Date/Month/year) for ________District of Andhra Pradesh.
1 | Full name of the applicant in block letters | |
2 | Father’s name/Husband’s name/ Guardian’s Name | |
3 | Aadhar Number | |
4 | Date of Birth | |
5 | Place of Birth | |
6 | Caste (OC/BC/SC/ST) |
7 | Previous study particulars from Class-IV to Class-X | |
8 | If he/she is studying, the class and address of the school/college in which he/she is studying | |
9 | Previous residential address in the state of Telangana | |
10 | Present residential address with PIN in the state of Andhra Pradesh | |
11 | Mobile Number | |
12 | E-mail address | |
13 | The period of residence / the date from which the applicant is residing at the above referred place. | |
14 | The District to which the applicant seeks to declare him / her as local candidate | |
15 | Supporting documents enclosed (specify) |
Scanned passport size photograph with self-attestation
I, ________________________s/o, d/o , w/o ______________________aged about _________ years and resident of _______________with aadhar number __________________or ____________________any other documents as mentioned in the guidelines hereby declare as follows:
I state that I was resident of _______________(place) of ________________(district), State of Telangana (give full address with house number and PIN code) and now I migrated to the State of Andhra Pradesh and at present I am residing in house / flat No. _________in ____________(village/town) of _____________ district, Andhra Pradesh (give full address with house number and PIN code) from _______(date) ______(month)_______(year) and desire to be local candidate of Andhra Pradesh for Education and Employment purpose.
I am further to declare that the Facts mentioned above and in Form-I are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
I am further to state that if the information furnished in Form-I i.e., application, and this declaration i.e., Form-II, is found to be false/incorrect, I am liable for prosecution and for cancellation of any employment in Government / Organization or seat in any Educational Institution / University, obtained, based on the local status certificate.
(In case applicant is minor, parent/guardian shall also make following declaration apart from the applicant’s declaration)
I,__________ F/o, M/o, G/o _________ aged about ———– years beartng Aadhar No. __________ and resident of ___________ hereby declare that the above information and declaration furnished by the applicant is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. If the information and declaration furnished is found false, I am liable for prosecution.
(As per G.o.Ms.No.132 & 133, GA (SPF&MC) Department, dt.13,6.2016 and circular Memo.No.4l36/SPF&MC/2015-5, Dated: 08-08-2016 & Memo.No.4136/SPF&MC/2015-9 dated 03-09-2016)
[vide sub-paragraph (3) of paragraph 4 of the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions) order 1974 and vide sub-paragraph (3) of paragraph (7) of the Andhra Pradesh Public Employment (organization of local cadres and regulation of Direct Recruitment) Order, 1975.]
Scanned passport size photograph with self-attestation generated as in Form-II
This is to certify that the candidate whose particulars are mentioned below is declared to be local candidate of __________district of Andhra Pradesh.
1 | Full name of the applicant in block letters | |
2 | Father’s name/Husband’s name/ Guardian’s Name | |
3 | Aadhar Number | |
4 | Date of Birth | |
5 | Place of Birth | |
6 | Caste (OC/BC/SC/ST) | |
7 | Previous study particulars from Class-IV to Class-X | |
8 | If he/she is studying, the class and address of the school/college in which he/she is studying | |
9 | Previous residential address in the state of Telangana | |
10 | Present residential address with PIN in the state of Andhra Pradesh | |
11 | Mobile Number | |
12 | E-mail address | |
13 | The period of restdence / the date from which the applicant is residing at the above referred place. | |
14 | The District to which the applicant seeks to declare him / her as local candidate |
(The above certificate is issued based on FORM-I & the declaration furnished by the candidate/ parent/ guardian in FORM-II. If the information furnished in Form-I & the declaration in Form-II are found false, this certificate shall stand canceled and he/she shall be liable for prosecution.)
*(This certificate in Form-III is meant for only Local Status and it does not confirm the rest of the information in the certificate)