5 Most Important Topics For JEE Mains April 2021:

JEE Mains is one of the most complex and toughest exams in India. To crack this exam, Students always look for better ways and strategies for preparation. We at Rizee for helping students bring you the top 5 important topics from Maths, Physics, and Chemistry you should not miss while preparing for the JEE Mains April 2021.
We are not saying to prepare only these topics for the preparation, we are saying don’t leave these topics while preparing for the exam. Rizee Educators have analyzed all the previous papers and the last February and March attempt JEE mains 2021 question papers and created these topics.
There is a minimum probability of at least 3 questions to be asked from these topics, And in the best case at least 7 questions are asked from these topics.
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Top 5 Topics From Mathematics by RIZEE:
When it comes to mathematics, the first important topic is the Properties of Definite Integrals from Definite Integrals and Area. From this topic In JEE Mains 2021, 10 questions are asked in February and 11 questions are asked in march attempt from all shifts.
The second Topic is Types and Algebra of Matrices, Transpose and Special Types of Matrices from the Matrices Chapter. From this topic In JEE Mains 2021, 09 questions are asked in February and 07 questions are asked in march attempt from all shifts.
The third topic is Dot Products and Its applications from Vector Algebra. From this topic In JEE Mains 2021, 09 questions are asked in February and 07 questions are asked in march attempt from all shifts.
The fourth topic is Number of terms, a particular term, the general term, middle term, and independent term from the Binomial theorem chapter. From this topic In JEE Mains 2021, 05 questions are asked in February and 05 questions are asked in march attempt from all shifts.
The fifth topic is Linear, Bernoulli’s equations, orthogonal trajectories from Differential equations. From this topic In JEE Mains 2021, 04 questions are asked in February and 05 questions are asked in march attempt from all shifts.

These are all the top 5 important topics you should not miss from mathematics while you are preparing for the JEE mains April 2021 attempt.
We also created a video for this with an explanation by an expert mathematics faculty. Also, we discuss an important question from each topic you have to practice. Check the video.
Preparation Tips For JEE Mains April 2021 Mathematics by RIZEE:
1.Segregate your syllabus based on February and march attempts.
2.List out all equations and theories in one place.
3.Analyze your mistakes and don’t repeat them. Rizee has a unique feature called Error exam where you can rectify your mistakes from the previously answered questions
4.Solve at least 20 problems daily.
5.While solving problems, keep an eye on the clock.
6.Solve the problems by thinking in a logical sequence.
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Top 5 Topics From Physics by RIZEE:
When it comes to physics, the first important topic is Communication systems from semiconductor electronics. From this topic In JEE Mains 2021, 07 questions are asked in February and 06 questions are asked in march attempt from all shifts.
The second topic is the Time period of oscillation, Frequency from Oscillations chapter. From this topic In JEE Mains 2021, 03 questions are asked in February and 03 questions are asked in March attempt from all shifts.
The third topic is Alternating current across RL, RC, LC & LCR circuits and power from Alternating Current Chapter. From this topic In JEE Mains 2021, 05 questions are asked in February and 03 questions are asked in march attempt from all shifts.
The fourth topic is De Broglie’s Explanation of Bohr’s second postulate of quantization. From this topic In JEE Mains 2021, 04 questions are asked in February and 04 questions are asked in march attempt from all shifts.
The fifth topic is Electric current in conductors from Current electricity. From this topic In JEE Mains 2021, 03 questions are asked in February and 01 questions are asked in march attempt from all shifts.

These are all the top 5 important topics you should not miss from Physics while you are preparing for the JEE Mains April 2021 attempt.
We also created a video for this with an explanation by an expert Physics faculty. Also, we discuss an important question from each topic you have to practice. Check the video.
Preparation Tips For JEE Mains April 2021 Physics by RIZEE:
1.Focus on understanding the basics of the subject rather than memorizing the formulas.
2.Pay attention to derivations because complicated questions can be solved using the basics only.
3.You can refer to the H.C Varma books as most teachers recommend them.
4.Practice previous year JEE Mains exam papers. Rizee has all previous year’s papers and the mock tests for the upcoming JEE Mains April 2021.
5.Try to work on the topic in which you are weak.
Top 5 Topics From Chemistry by RIZEE:
When it comes to chemistry, the first important topic is the Purification of organic compounds from Organic chemistry Some basic principles and techniques chapter. From this topic In JEE Mains 2021, 03 questions are asked in February and 02 questions are asked in March attempt from all shifts.
The second topic is Concentration terms from Some basic concepts of chemistry. From this topic In JEE Mains 2021, 02 questions are asked in February and 04 questions are asked in March attempt from all shifts.
The third topic is percentage composition, empirical and molecular formulae from Some basic concepts of chemistry chapter. From this topic In JEE Mains 2021, 03 questions are asked in February and 04 questions are asked in March attempt from all shifts.
The fourth topic is the Arrhenius equation – Activation energy from Chemical Kinetics. From this topic In JEE Mains 2021, 04 questions are asked in February and 01 questions are asked in March attempt from all shifts.
The fifth topic is Colligative properties from Solutions. From this topic In JEE Mains 2021, 03 questions are asked in February and 01 questions are asked in March attempt from all shifts.

These are all the top 5 important topics you should not miss from Chemistry while you are preparing for the JEE mains April 2021 attempt.
We also created a video for this with an explanation by an expert Chemistry faculty. Also, we discuss an important question from each topic you have to practice. Check the video
Preparation Tips For JEE Mains April 2021 Chemistry by RIZEE:
1.Focus on February and March Question Papers and how the questions were distributed from all the chapters.
2.Follow NCERT text book thoroughly as some questions were given directly from them.
3.Practice more multi conceptual questions, RIZEE has a unique feature called Linkage Chapter Analysis where you can get all the chapters and topics from which these questions are asked.
4.For integer questions remember the formula on how to solve these questions.
5.Solve chemistry questions first as it is a scoring subject in comparison with mathematics and physics.
6.Based on the type of questions, solve the concept-wise questions first and then go to application-wise questions.
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